The Friends of Moulton Primary School are a UK registered charity No: 1095821, and we were established in 2002.
Everyone is automatically a member of FOMPS if you have a child at the school!
What do we do?
We are a friendly group of parents who give up our time to organise events that raise money for the school, or to help other ways to enrich the experience all our children receive during ther years at Moulton Primary School.
We raise money with events, by sponsorship, and by direct donations. We run a pre-loved clothing service (its MUCH cheaper than buying new) and we do lots of other things too. There are four full time members of our comittee who are also the trustees of the charity – but anyone can attend and vote at our meetings.
Each year we run a fantastic Christmas Fair! Bookings for stall holders for our 2025 fair are now open.
Leaver's Activities.
FOMPS volunteers organise leaver's garments for our year 6 children. We also contribute significantly to a leaver's party, and gift memory books and maths sets to the children as they leave us for big school.
Moulton Festival!
For Moulton Festival #teamFOMPS provide refreshments, delicious hot dogs and other yummy treats at super-budget prices. We also provide entertainment for the children with plenty of games - and pocket money sweeties!
2024-25 FOMPS Committee
Each commitee member serves for a year, unless re-elected at our AGM.
Lucy Braithwaite
Chair Person
Tim Hawley
Anna Clarke